Mar 22, 2010

"I write when I'm in the mood of writing"

I was surprised when I heard some other PhD students saying that sentence. Of course, I think academic writing is also a creative activity and you need to be "in the mood", that is, you don't need to suck the ideas out of pen(cil) and you can just put the right ideas on paper. But what happens if there is no "mood" and the deadline is approaching day by day?

Therefore I still follow or attempt to follow an advice to write the dissertation at least for 15 minutes even on those days when I'm "not in the mood". It is like an exercising: when you don't do exercises (or aren't involved in some other physical activities), the muscles become weak. When you don't write the brain or mind is not ready for writing.

And, today, when discussing with a colleague (who's also a PhD student) I found out that even decades ago, PhD students had problems with stress and fitting work into studies.What a relief;)

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