Jul 6, 2012

"PhD life is all about self-motivation". For these PhD students who've had idiot moments;)

Found this piece by Duggi Zuram, and I love it. Apparently, after 4 years of studies, especially after intense April and May, and start of June there has happened something odd. I cannot find myself anymore. I recall ping-pong of analysing materials last summer and I feel like a complete idiot who cannot continue. The covering chapter is waiting for me to come and to fix it, but there I feel again.. stupid gal with empty head wondering how on earth have I made so far. Plus I managed to injure my leg. Jogging can be dangerous to your health.

Then I found this forum thread. About non-motivation! Yep, long live social media - otherwise I wouldn't believe that other folks have had similar problems. And they try to give hints of how to get over it - usually it is about seemingly simple things like pull yourself together, and start from small things and lists, and so on. So I joined the forum and I hope there are lots of interesting things to read.

Last week I was helping my older kid on learning how to ride a bike. Most of the time he was ranting and raving "I can't do it! I'll fall! I'm scared!" Well, he was not very successful, indeed. So we ended up this torment in some time and went home. Next evening we tried again. He was insecure again, but at one point he said: "I'll think about riding a bike, not about falling". With just a bit of help he started to sit properly (earlier he was leaning far left or right, taking the bicycle out of balance), and even rode the bike a bit. I think it was his attitude that mattered. So even though it sounds cheesy there's quite some to learn from the kid and his case. Because by now I feel we are so much alike, just need to find some motivation.

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