Jul 23, 2012

A weblog on information literacy

I was checking new posts in my Google Reader feed today. Haven't done it for a while. 

And I think I haven't yet shared Sheila Webber's weblog on information literacy here. Anyway, it's a blog worthy to follow as besides it is very professional it is also kept regularly. I quite admire it - because even keeping this blog has its ups and downs. And secondly it's just so comprehensive. All this new information on IL-related conferences and courses and publications - lots of it is there. One might think that what's the fuss - it's all online, just go and find it (as information literate person), but Sheila Webber's blog is making it far more easier. I don't know whether she ever happens to visit this blog but anyway I'm so grateful for she's doing this great (extra) job for people interested in IL:)

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