Feb 11, 2010


Most likely these changes are supporting my research. If not directly, then definitely indirectly.

About a week ago I gave away my TVset. It was not broken or anything, but there was nothing to see. We watched only ETV (national programm) anyway. And digital TV is still there, in our laptops. Nevertheless, it is a bit odd feeling as I've had a TVset at home for my whole life, that would be nearly 3n years. So it is not about retrieving the information, but TVset as a physical entity has also some kind of meaning. A "home-altar" as they say sometimes. It is there, you can put candles and knick-knacks on it and it is an integral part of ones living-room. Or bedroom. Or kitchen. Or.. why not, even of bathroom?

Reading a book on press freedom and pluralism in Europe (see www.intellectbooks.com online for free) actually confirmed my desicion. Even if I had only 3 channels there we literally never switched over to 2 of these (that is to commercial channels). So, what's the point of a thing if you don't use over half of its capabilities but must regularly dust it??

The TVset found itself a new owner, through local Freecycle group. So I hope he and his family will be happy about it. Just as glad as we are.


During one of the interviews I've been transliterating recently I heard a statement that blogging is like shouting to the wall. You shout or say something, but nobody replies. And that's why that person didn't want to keep a blog. I find it a good idea because that's what I've felt, too. Even if according to Google Analytics there were over 1100 visits to my blog, per month. Therefore I've "privatized" my regular blog (but I couldn't delete it as there are lots of my previous projects and jokes from kids and etc). If someone is really interested in what I'm doing or how is my life going, s/he can always ask for the access or phone or e-mail or Skype or MSN me. Most likely my other active blogs will soon meet the same faith as there are also different ways in different fields if someone wants to contact me. Again, e-mail would be the best option. So don't be surprised if you cannot access this blog.

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