Apr 8, 2010

Time wears on...

Time wears on when one has written several applications, posted these successfully and now can only wait for results. The latter is extremely hard when there are just couple of days until the notifications:p

Yesterday, while attending briefing about application of Estonian Science Funds grant (although I'm not planning to do it yet, just wanted to learn more about different funding schemes) there was a point that seems to be crucial after couple of years. Namely, it was claimed that if young PhDs are applying for a grant in the category of "My first grant" the people who have completed post-docs are preffered to "ordinary" PhDs. There is some time left until 2012 and nothing is ever certain (especially about completing PhD studies on time) but it still worries me, because of the family issue. Worries more than the apocalypse that is supposed to happen on 20.12.2012 according to some lunatics:p The wisest decision today would probably wait and see.

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